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Guardamar beach re-opens

As a result of recent storms, the situation of many of the villas on the shoreline at Guardamar´s Babylon Beach have been adversly affected, especially the foundations and conecting walkway that are exposed to the sea. For this reason, the Town Hall took the decison, about one month ago, to close the beach to the public as a safety precaution and to prevent accidents.

Since taking office as Mayor, Carmen Verdú has made it a priority to take the necessary steps to encourage the Ministry to either colmplete the work required or to provide the means to remedy this situation. The closure of the beach not only negatively affected the residents of Babylon Beach to also reflects badly on the town´s image for tourists and visitors.

The Mayor recently attended a meeting with the Chief of the Provincial Coastal Service, Maria Auxiliadora Jordá, accompanied a group of residents to try and rectify the situation. Among the actions that were agreed was the authorisation of the costs that needed to be covered to re-open the beach for public use in those sections that could be undertaken by the Town.

Once the green light had been given, the government team commissioned general clean-up work and the fencing of large areas of the beach, which allowed a stretch of about one kilometer long to be re-opend at the weekend.

The works, which were completed in just three days to facilitata the weekend beach-goers, involved the movement of sand to reinforce the foundations of the villas and the pavement. At the same time a fence was installed to block-off the debris and prevent access to the areas that pose the greatest danger. The programme of works has cost 9,000 euros, which has been paid by Guardamar Town funds in order that during the full tourist season, both local residents and visitors alike, can continue to enjoy the benefits of one of the most central beaches in Guardamar.

Cherry K

The Final Whistle on Saturday 23rd July from 9.30pm.

Cherry K is a fantastic young singer who can sing many kinds of music.

She is proving very popular in the area and loves to sing songs with a kick.

La Marina




Is there a driving range near to Quesada or Rojales that i can take our 8 year old son?


there is a driving range at la Marquesa golf club in Quesada, also at la Finca (Algorfa) and Vistabella. on all of them you can can get a bucket of balls for a euro and they also have a putting green which you can use for free. if you want a golf lesson for a child/junior I can reccomend pasqual jimenez at la Marquesa.

McMarisco - New Restaurant

I was wondering if any of our members have tried the new McMarisco Spanish Restaurant in the grey area (next to the Ferratera). On Wednesday evening I was driving by and saw a lot of people sitting at the tables and there was live entertainment ! Does anybody know what the food is like and whether the entertainment is on any other evenings? Thank you so very much

La Marina

I have been told that the entertainment is outside is this correct?

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-15 15:57:22 UTC

I have, It's not for an evening meal, small portions and high prices, food was ok but had to go somewhere else after because we were still hungry. It's more of a tapas kinda place.

Commented Becki S in La Marina 2011-07-15 16:10:34 UTC

Thank you Becki for the feedback. I was going to take our next week visitors there as they had entertainment as well as food, but if portions are small they will not get my custom. That is a shame as finding places with entertainment where you sit out side is so hard to find these days.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2011-07-16 08:00:48 UTC

Thank you so very much for your informative reply Becki. I do not think I will be dining at the restaurant. Perhaps it may be ok for one to call in for a glass of wine at the end of an evening out somewhere else (depending on the price of course)!

Commented QueenBee in La Marina 2011-07-16 09:22:40 UTC

If you want to try a fantastic Spanish Restaurant in the Grey area, you cannot beat Rammons, wonderful food especially their steaks and welcoming staff, (you will have to book in advance)

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-17 06:51:12 UTC

Let us know when you fancy going Linda - when you have a gap in your busy schedule with all your family he he xx

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-17 07:10:23 UTC

Douglas the sports bar by the satellite centre does meals and they have entertainment, at the moment, on Tuesday and Thursdays - Bella Luna. Fridays - Mike Starr, Sat \- \josephina (it pays to book if you are eating) and Sunday Woody. Eve

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-17 13:59:32 UTC

DOUGLAS - As Eve has said on Sunday evenings at The Sports Bar is Woody entertaining. Click in to the link and this will give you info on tonight and each Sunday evening during July & August
WOODY at The Sports Complex
July 17th, 2011 21:00 - 00:00

WOODY Entertains Singing Hits from the 50's, 60's & 70's - One of the most popular Singer/Guitarists on the Costa Blanca..................
Sunday 17th July at The Satellite Sports Centre
9.00pm to 12.00pm

Woody will be appearing here every
Sunday throughout the Summer (July & August). The venue is one of the most popular Bar/restaurants on the urbanisation with excellent food available and friendly staff to look after you.

***Come along and dance the night away under the stars***

To find out more on Woody click into the webpage below:

For previous Events at The Sports Complex and Videos please click the link

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-17 15:14:34 UTC

We've just got home from an excellent evening at the Sports Complex with Woody entertaining. Good food, wine and met up with great friends. All in all a really good evening !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-17 22:46:21 UTC

the food is more like tapas its all fish and on 1st day of opening it was good

Commented sallyannwheatley in La Marina 2011-07-18 07:27:24 UTC

My god Carol some of your friends wore me out last night, but, it was a good night.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-18 16:32:19 UTC

Glad you enjoyed it Eve - Yes, they are quite a lively group he he x

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-18 16:57:56 UTC

We could go for my birthday Carol, 14th August, or anyday near to it xx

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-18 18:24:38 UTC

Linda - you would laugh - I've just rushed through to the bedroom to put your Birthday in my Diary and it's already there - God I surprise myself sometimes of how organised I am he he. OR we could go to Carlos Bar (Sunday night) for your Birthday !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-18 20:19:45 UTC

Cagney's Bar

What another great night last night, we went to Cagney's bar to watch an Eagles Tribute band from 6pm - 9pm they were fantastic, we also have excellent food and brilliant meals for the children too, plus a pint of lager was only 1 euro and a large glass of wine was only 1 euro - highly recommended.

Sounds good. We've actually never been to Cagneys. I like the sound of a large glass of wine for 1 euro. Must try it some time !

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-18 11:34:33 UTC

It was excellent Carol and we were outside too and I am sure theywould have sweet wine just for you x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-18 18:32:48 UTC

I agree with you Linda as we were there and it was a great afternoon off for me & Lisa . cagneys is a very popular bar and they have some good ideas as Sunday proved when we had fantastic entertainment in the Eagles tribute. Drinks and food are good and very reasonably priced. I will be performing there on Sunday, 31st July and look forward to a great afternoon with you all.Carol, they do have sweet wine for you!!! Michael

Commented Michael Star in La Marina 2011-07-18 19:49:55 UTC

Country & Western Music Evening Every Friday at El Rancho at Los Montesinos !!

Country Music Night at El Rancho

Every Friday throughout July & August is
COUNTRY & WESTERN Night at El Rancho - Los Montesinos.

9.00 pm to Midnight

Great selection of food both English and Spanish at reasonable prices. Very large venue inside & outside. Ample car parking outside the venue !!

Great for a Day Out with the kids !!

(It's only approximately a 20/25 mins drive from La Marina) !!

La Marina

So which would be the best route to take from the Urb Carol? Do you know what activities they have for the children to do?

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-18 07:42:07 UTC

Go off the urbanisation and drive in the direction of Quesada. Take the road towards Torrevieja, turn right at the roundabout that says Montesinos. When you get in to Montesinos turn left at the 2nd set of traffic lights - follow that road for about 1and a half miles and it is on your right. The main thing is a huge swimming pool and horse riding !! Plenty of room for them to run around Linda......

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-18 08:47:03 UTC

OOOOhhhhh soooo glad we have made arrangements to go with you two first, at least we will know the way to go.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-18 18:34:22 UTC

S.A.T. Animal Sanctuary

Volunteers Wanted to walk the dogs.

Either from 9.30 - 11.30 am or 3.00 - 5.00pm, you only need to do one day a week, but if you have more time, they always need walkers.

SAT, Sociedad Protectora para Animales de Torrevieja - Vereda del Pozo 48, Dolores, 03150, Alicante

SAT refuge at Dolores Kennels, we are open everyday 11.00am - 1.00pm (except Wednesday when we are closed for vets visits). Please call and make an appointment with us first to avoid long delays.

SAT is a non profit making organisation 'sin animo de lucre', we raise our funds from events such as Dinner Dances, Dog shows, Charity Sales, Fairs and of course, donations.

Please take time to visit us and take a look at our animals.

Thank you

9 Walkers yesterday, so we were able to walk all the dogs in the small cages and all the puppies, but not the dogs in pen no. 1.

Sunday does tend to have more walkers than the rest of the week and one of the staff Dawn did say they are struggling now most days, as some of the regular dog walkers are on holiday.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-18 07:51:19 UTC

Linda we also need people to become members of S.A.T. People can find out about that on the website.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-18 16:29:36 UTC

Yes Eve, all volunteers welcome, either to walk the dogs or work in the shop x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-18 18:26:21 UTC


Can anyone recommend a good English-speaking dentist in Rojales/Quesada area? Many thanks


I went to the one beside Howards gym and cannot fault them whatsoever... Highly recommended!

Commented La Luz Bar/Restaurant in La Marina 2011-07-18 13:16:02 UTC

My wife used the dentist opposite the Police Local in Rojales. The dentist doesn`t speak English but the receptionist does and she goes in to translate for you. My wife was very happy with the treatment..

Commented scruggs in Quesada 2011-07-18 16:06:28 UTC

The Arches English Dental Practice next to Howard's Gym in Quesada are the best dentist I've ever had. Maz

Commented Maz in Quesada 2011-07-18 16:50:03 UTC

Thanks everyone for your responses. Much appreciated.

Commented sglegg1 in Quesada 2011-07-18 17:48:46 UTC
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